Avinhs testing things

Testing Jekyll things

Team MicrosoftTechSupport Period 3 (Akhil, Avinh, Jay, Valen, Yash)

Name Role PBL
Avinh Huynh Scrum Master {"PBL"=>"ReadMe Timeboxing, Jekyll"}{3.1=>"test1"}{3.2=>"test2"}{3.3=>"test3"}
Akhil Nandhakumar Technical Officer {"PBL"=>"ReadMe Timeboxing, Jekyll"}{3.1=>"test1"}{3.2=>"test2"}{3.3=>"test3"}
Yash Shah Deployment Manager {"PBL"=>"ReadMe Timeboxing, Jekyll"}{3.1=>"test1"}{3.2=>"test2"}{3.3=>"test3"}
Valen Reynolds Github Admin {"PBL"=>"ReadMe Timeboxing, Jekyll"}{3.1=>"test1"}{3.2=>"test2"}{3.3=>"test3"}
Jay Manjrekar Design Manager {"PBL"=>"ReadMe Timeboxing, Jekyll"}{3.1=>"test1"}{3.2=>"test2"}{3.3=>"test3"}

Avinhs Github activity chart

Avinhs's Github chart


Scrum Board


Team Overview and Journals

Site Objective



Future Goals

Pair Share Journals

Team Overview


Role Name ID Tasks Commits Scrumboard Profile
Techincal Officer Akhil Nandhakumar #89219514 tasks commits scrumboard profile
Deployment Managerr Yash Shah #89223735 tasks commits scrumboard profile
Project Designer Jay Manjrekar #89176673 tasks commits scrumboard profile
GitHub Admin Valen Reynolds #89166851 tasks commits scrumboard profile
Scrum Master Avinh Huinh #43688346 tasks commits scrumboard profile

Timebox - Review Ticket

Week 4


Name Role PBL
Avinh Scrum Master ReadMe Timeboxing, Jekyll
Akhil Technical Officer Update database
Valen GitHub Admin Survey
Yash Deployment Manager Map, Update deployed
Jay Design Manager Jekyll


Name 3.11 3.12 3.13
Akhil image
Corrections: Q2 - When I put 2^10 in my calcuator, I read 1024 as 10,024 and went way to fast choosing my answer. The correct answer should’ve been 15 which accounts for all 10000 elements by using 2 to the power of how many times it would need to search.

Week 3


Name Role Tickets
Avinh Scrum Master README, Tickets (Scrumboard), Wiki
Akhil Technical Officer Asynchrounous access to Database (Video)
Yash Deployment Manager Website runs, and demonstrating update
Valen Github Admin Highlight issues, commits, and pull requests
Jay Design Managers Bootstrap Layouts, 3 frontend screens


Name Ticket
Avinh API


Akhil image
Corrections: Q4: Complete missclick, I knew the right answer was that the number of bits available wasn’t enought to represent the number requested. Q12: I was looking through the questions quickly and didn’t notice that the first column had different numbers, and I thought they were all the same so I looked over it and check the last column without seeing that the first value was wrong. Q14: Didn’t check that the answer I chose would put the algorithm into an ifnitie loop because I said to store the remainder in the number instead of the integer quotient. Q15: The same values are printed inside the loop because program A prints i and then increments it and program B increments i and then prints it. Messed up when I was keeping track of the count on paper at repetition #5. Q27: Missclicked, should’ve put the answer that said there are problems that computer algorithms can’t solve. Common sense!!!! Q47: Hadn’t learnt/forgotten (not sure) how binary search works. Just learnt it by watching one of the college board videos and understand the issue. The list has to have all unique numbers for it to work. Q49: Did silly math and thought that 2^6 was 128 :( Q50: For an algorithm to run in reasonable time, it must take a number of steps less than or equal to a polynomial function. All of the options do this since on is 2n, n^2, and 10, which all work.
Valen Screen Shot 2021-12-16 at 10 53 05 AM Q5 I chose B because I thought ithat the output would come out true but it came out true because I didn’t realize the AND gate would be false. C has the correct output of true because the AND gate evaluates to true. Q17 I chose B because I thought the other options were singular and therefor not represented by bits but that was incorrect. As all digital data can be represented by a sequence of bits. Q24 I chose D I thought it would count odd but it counted even integers. But it sisplayed wrong while B displays the sum of the even integers starting at 2 and ending at 20 which is correct. Q41 I chose D II and III because I thought it removed the entire date tag but it doesn’t. B removes the four rightmost charactcters leaving only the desired description. Q50 I chose C which is I and II but I read the question wrong and thought it was which does not run in reasonable time. Q54I chose B which would only add odd elements from original to new instead of adding even elements. C would add the even elements. Q56 I chose V but I got it the other way around D is correct because version two takes 5 mins longer than 1. Version 2 takes 9 mins.

Week 2


Deployed Website: insert link for deployted site

Create Task Plan


Name About Page 2.3 Extracting Information from Data 2.4 Using Programs with Data
Avinh Ticket image image
Akhil Ticket image image Corrections: Q5, just misclicked, I changed my answer to D, but I didn’t check if I had checked the box properely and it didn’t select it. The answer had to include sorting by year, filtering by year, and filtering by photographer.
Valen Ticket Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 11 11 31 AM Q6 I chose III only because I thought it was which one was most useful. But one and two are what the teacher can use based on the survey. Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 11 11 36 AM Q3 I chose A because I thought that one summarized the data most. But it was D because they are looking for the customer who uses AA batteries. Q4 I chose A and B but it was B and D. It’s not A because the lowest year value is not guaranteed on the first row of the spreadsheet. It’s D because it filters the unknown photographers and the order doesn’t affect which row they’re in. Q5 I chose B because its correct except for the second or. I wasn’t paying attention but A is correct because it has the and there.
Yash Ticket image I missed question number 5 on 2.3 because I did not read all the options.
Jay Ticket 2 3 quiz 2 4 quiz

Week 1

Scrum Team Project Review

Role Tasks
Design Wiki Theme, Brain Write, Wire Frame
Technicals 10 to 12 key ideas
Github On Wiki containing Management Plan
Deployment Wiki Plan, Hardware and Frequency
Scrum Board Assignments and Backlog


Name 1.3 Program Design and Development 1.4 Identifying and Correcting Errors Create Task
Avinh image image 2. I thought the error was that it did not check the rest of the list, but I also didnt check the rest of the list  
Akhil link link link
Yash Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 11 52 42 AM    

Week 0


Name Commit
Avinh Initializing Ticket


Name 1.1 Collaboration Quiz 1.2 Program Function and Purpose Quiz
Avinh image image
Akhil image image
Corrections: Q5- while going through the answers, I forgot that there was a nested loop, and thought that the function moved both index markers at the same time, not after the outer loop had completely iterated through the list. Instead, the program would compare the element to every subsequent element in the list.
Yash image
Corrections: Q1 - I incorrectly read the question.
Jay 1 1 and 1 2