Plans Week 4

Focus on FRQ No. 1 - Methods and Control Structures.

  • Monday: Live Review
  • Tuesday: Test Prep
  • Wednesday: Career Tech
  • Thursday: Human Prep
  • Friday: Code, Code, Code

Points will be awarded on these three key elements


During the year we want to learn the four types of FRQs. This week we want to focus on the first type.

  • FRQ No. 1: Methods and control structures (Focus)
    • Pick question type 01 from one of the years posted on the former EXAM page. Solve the problem, including missing pieces in a Jupyter Notebook.
    • Make this a quality blog. My suggestion is Pairs do different FRQs and crossovers do the same, to make grading more valuable.
    • Browse through multiple questions, find a question that may be somewhat like a PBL interest.

Future FRQs

  • FRQ No. 2: Classes
  • FRQ No. 3: Array/ArrayList
  • FRQ No. 4: 2D Array

Iteration Mini-lab - 1

It is really import that student learn to iterate through Arrays, ArrayLists, and 2D arrays. The most important aspect of this lesson, all which can pop up in testing…

  • Change or add data to the 2D arrays
  • Displaying vertically and horizontally
  • Display backwards or upside down

Live Grading Presentation. 

On Live grading day each team will present to 3 other Tables/Teams while presenting to the Teacher. Each team will have 5-10 minutes to go over their FRQ, Mini-lab.

  • Crossover Team Review and Review Ticket.

Presentation. Introduce lesson and introduce how you plan to present the Material(s).

  • Have parts that each person will go over.
  • Consider an activity or illustration other than Code, Code, Code to learn about Methods and Control Structures.
  • Outside sources can be used to complement the lesson: College Board, Khan Academy,
  • It would be interesting if you adapt Iteration Mini-lab and the Methods and Control Structures question to work together. This would show your ability to plan and produce something useful.

Every time Teacher Live Review requirements.

  • Create Comment in this Points Blog.  Include crossover grades, crossover comments, and blog(s) used during week.
  • Jupyter Notebooks contain comments and markdown cells that describe work.
  • Output of Jupyter Notebook is required when posting the Blog.