Psychology and the Good Life, by Laurie Santos

This video is very relevant to students. Laurie Santos is a professor at Yale has produced one of the most popular classes of all time at Yale (1 of 4 students take this class).

Teacher Notes

In my first watch of this video, right after 2021-2022 school year, these were my observations in improving the well being of Computer Science at Del Norte.

  • The Teacher needs to reduce academic stress on students.
  • The Teacher needs to convince Students to form habits of successful people, as discussed in the video. These habits need to be formed collaboratively between Teacher and Student.
  • Students need to strive to form an attitude of success for life. This takes effort and commitment. Similar to exercise analogies discussed in video.
  • In active discussions with Ms Naidu who taught at Del Norte in 2021-2022, we determined the biggest weakness in students our students is Collaboration, not Technical.
  • Laure Santos request that students be grateful for their current situation.

Teacher Message

The AP Computer Science classes at Del Norte in 2022-2023 is structured to do most of the work in the classroom. Students, please prioritize the 4C habits: Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity in classroom. Additionally, focus, ask questions, Code/Code/Code, and make mistakes. If you do these things, you are in danger of getting 90% on all your assignments.

Agile and Psychology of the Good Life

A lot of the methods in Agile, Sprints, and Scrums are helping to establish habits and focus. As Engineers, we need to learn to put concepts together!

  • Habit helpers: Stand-up meetings, Issues, Scrum Board, Review Tickets, Sprints
  • Focus helpers: Reviewing Issues, Pair Coding, Making mistakes, Fixing Bugs, Scrum accountability
  • Look at my interpretation of students history over the years. How could habits apply to you and your team(s) through 2023?


  • Watch and build a vocabulary about how to use the “Psychology and the Good Life” and maintain it on GH Pages. Think about glitches we have in our mind and how we adapt to those glitches. Here are some ideas…
  • Blog a note of gratitude to someone on campus and someone at home, record your experience in GH Pages.
  • Make a gratitude list in your Blog.
  • Think about some goals you should set.
  • Think about the goals in conjunction with happy people.